Do you dare to love….yourself? ❤️

Lisa Clausen
3 min readJul 9, 2021

Hi beautiful,

Say it with me;

I’m OK

I’m fine

In fact; I’m good

I am worthy

I am valuable

Yes, I am good enough

I am precious

I am lovable

I AM love

At core I am unbreakable

I exist


And so it is.

Self-love, self-esteem, self-value, self-respect and self-acceptance are most often at core in some shape or form when I guide and coach clients. No matter the subject, goal or person at hand.

It shows up in literally every area of life. Imagine, for instance in — and maybe surprisingly enough — in your body posture, your breathing and the energy you emit. Also in the way you speak and in how you handle relationships. It reflects in how you dress and beautify, not only yourself, but also in how you decorate your home. And Yes, it is portrayed in how you choose to use your talents, the way you write your CV and Cover Letter as well as
in the choices you make. Or should I say the choices you don’t make?

It’s Universal.

Inner and outer growth and transition go hand in hand.
Fool you not.

If only we humans understood how precious and lovable we are!
In our own right. By being birthed. By our pure existence.

It might not feel like it at times. The pressure and stress of modern society trick us into feeling inadequate. Like we don’t measure up and aren’t enough. It seems, there are always more things that ought to be done than there are hours to live a life without cracking.

At the end of the day; for whom and what?

There’s such a call for FREEDOM and a cry out for deeper FULFILLMENT within so many right now! An urge to BREAK the sense of ENSLAVEMENT and being boxed in by
other’s expectations, rulebooks, judgment and anger.

And then there is the FRUSTRATION of not being able to quite grasp and clear
what’s holding you back and stopping you in your tracks.

See, there are lifetimes upon lifetimes of internalized subconscious fearful patterns and lack of trust in self and life itself running in your veins. Playing tricks with you. Much more than any one of us really understands. Just imagine the fear of the one burnt at stake, hushed down, silenced, screamed at, ridiculed and being seen as less then.
All of that is part of your energetic, emotional and mental DNA.

It is TIME to take the power back and to allow your own intuitive essence, voice and expression to arise from within.

UNCOVER your Soul PURPOSE, gifts and joys and LIVE IT.
Allow yourself to taste the FULLNESS of being you and dance with it wholeheartedly and passionately. With all of your senses open and ready to explore the experience.

Enough is enough.

Say Yes to yourself.
Be proud of who you are.

Step into being the light and the change.
Let’s raise the vibration within and around, shall we?

Sending Summer love your way ❤️🍓☀️




Lisa Clausen

Lisa Clausén is a Transformational Life & Business Coach, Consciousness Mentor, Trainer and Speaker supporting you to feel & do good -