Lost in the jungle? Let go of the mess!

Lisa Clausen
6 min readOct 22, 2020

Do you feel like you’re lost in the jungle and bewildered about how to find your way out? Then ask yourself: what are the messes it’s time for me to sort out and let go of? ❓🧹

Now sit with this question and let it percolate as you continue to read….

This weekend I cleared out old clothes, things and flea market stuff from my wardrobes and basement storage. Finally! What a relief! It had been in the making for some time and it made my Feng Shui Soul feel happy, elevated and free! What on earth made it take this long to get to the finish line with this last basement strip-down-and-let-go release?

Well, when the pull is strong enough and our Soul purpose is truly ready for an up-leveling, then it’s time for letting go of the ballots and Ego patterns keeping us down and stuck in seen and unseen ways.

The good thing about Corona, when being more homebound and with fewer things in use, and with triggers for your Yes and No values popping up left, right and center, is this: it’s easier to let go. It becomes more clear what’s no longer aligned and “you”.

Now I’m in the midst of washing through all of my remaining clothes and cleaning my wardrobes and chest of drawers. While at it, I sense the urge for a major Fall cleaning of my home knocking on the door as well.

In fact, this fall has been a lot about cleansing, simplifying and getting rid of the old; I erased an entire multipage SquareSpace website created, but never used. I got rid of all of my old non-active WordPress sites and, thank God, those annoying constant WP and plug-in update messages. I’ve purged old education programs, back-up files from old computers. outdated Apple Music files and then excess files taking up space on my Mac. What’s next? Major energy release and up-leveling taking place over here in other words 😉

How about you? Has the clear-erase-and-let-go bug called you forward and into action as well? Or itching to have a go at purging, simplifying and downsizing?

What I know to be true and relevant is, in fact, to be current. Current and lending an ear to where your Purpose, a k a Soul voice and heart desires, wants you to go. Consciousness shifts at rapid speed, so do the world, your peeps, your clients and you. You are called forward. Naked. Upleveled. Raw. Reinvented. Reborn. ⚡️

I have many tools and “secret weapons” in my toolbox. For how I support myself and for my work as a transformational life and business coach, consciousness mentor and energy shapeshifter. ​​One of them is Feng Shui, the art of placement aiming at creating harmony, balance and prosperity (and then some). This by tending to our physical environment indoors and by taking into account also the outdoors surrounding of our home and business premises. Feng Shui affects our well-being as we well as our actions in the world.

Some people might be nonchalant, dismissive and even contemptuous when it comes to Feng Shui. What it can do and the importance of energy within us and around us.

However, seen in the light of Feng Shui being based on the same theories and concepts as Chinese medicine, it casts another light on what Feng Shui really is. it’s effects and the importance of it. We know that acupuncture and meridian energy balancing work DO things for improving our health and wellbeing. So does Feng Shui. ☯️ 💜

Part of Feng Shui and a starting point for a Feng Shui consultation is often Clutter Clearing. Or as it’s said in Swedish “Rensa i röran”. Another part is a more ritual energy clearing called Space Clearing. Now, I know a lot of you, men and women from all walks of life, have read, been fascinated by and practiced what Karen Kingston’s popular books on this subject teaches. Whether you’re in for the whole chabang of Feng Shui or just eager to hands-on shift your physical environment into one clutter-free and more pleasant and supportive one.

See, that’s the thing with energy work like Feng Shui, Clutter Clearing and Space Clearing — or ANY energy work for that matter — it supports us to find a platform to live our best lives from. To feel your best inside, to have a stable “home base” and from their gain the strength, courage and drive to be able to go out in the world. To conquer and to do your thing and spread good vibes around you personally and professionally. 🏆

Now that, I figure, is what it all boils down to and what most people would like and love to have happen in their lives. 💓💘

It’s something to come back to regularly for a re-calibration, re-energizing and re-enabler in order to cultivate and find emotional states and physical environmental platforms, that support us to live our best lives. Period.

My conviction and belief in this are that strong that I even once said to an employer: “This is where I draw a line in the sand and say No.”

See, I simply knew, by expertise and experience, I could not thrive in that physical environment setting suggested I work from. Not be fully healthy and risked losing part of my stamina, drive and thus self and self-expression. Those premises would not support me to be my best self, and thus they would not support me to be my best as an employee and co-worker. Besides, very importantly; not to be able to give my best to my clients and students.

In that moment;
I chose myself.

Let’s get back to the concept of Feng Shui and Clutter Clearing, and have a look at how your “messes” affect you:

⛔️ Know that stagnant, tired, dirty and old energy — in all its forms — will HOLD YOU BACK.​​

⛔️ An overload of things, stuff and paper contribute to the feeling that no matter what you do, you’ll never reach your goals and dreams. Or that it “TAKES FOREVER”.​​

⛔️ Things that you cling to out of guilt, tradition and habit, but not really like at all, stopped liking or maybe never have, PULL YOU DOWN. In fact, it puts a damper on your drive, mood and energy.​​

⛔️ Things you keep due to having had a high purchase price, but you haven’t used in 2, 5, 10 or 25 years, KEEP YOU STUCK. It holds you back from being aligned with current times and what would benefit you when wanting to create a bright, desired and abundant future.​​

⛔️ People that aren’t especially caring, loving or interested in you, your well-being and successes, DRAIN YOU. It takes a lot more energy, courage and strength to be able to break the mold of the old and to step outside the comfort zone without people in your corner voting for you!. And maybe even be criticized and put down for being different from them and more daring. ​Not that you are a victim, unless you allow yourself to become one.​​ Still….

⛔️ Drama and mess of all sorts, put up a SMOKESCREEN. Keeping you stuck in confusion and seriously slow you down due to taking detours and halts along the way. It messes with your ability to find your clarity and your focus. And that might be just the thing; your Ego being afraid of your power, your path and what would happen if and when you go all the way.

🔥 ​​Dear, do you want to go ALL THE WAY?​​ 🔥

BE AWARE of the energy around you. It DOES affect you. BIG TIME.​​
My dear, I invite you to take this to heart and make conscious choices.

Isn’t it time you step out of feeling like being lost in the jungle? 🌴

Now to the Million Dollar questions:

In what areas of your life is it time for you to draw a line in the sand and choose yourself? To say No and to clear up the messes? And what are the messes most urgent to get rid of? 💥

This is where your pot of gold is buried. ⚱️💎

Love and light, 💓✨


P. S. Are you a heart-centered woman, soul led female entrepreneur and compassionate leader with a hunger for Sisterhood? Do you desire to live aligned to your heart, soul ID and purpose? Do you have a drive to be the change and the light in your community and spread good around the globe? Eager to figure out how to do it? Let’s play, dance and rise together. I invite you to come join this supportive femme tribe: The Soul Glow Femme Collective.

👉 JOIN the FREE FB Group Soul Glow Femme Collective Click here >



Lisa Clausen

Lisa Clausén is a Transformational Life & Business Coach, Consciousness Mentor, Trainer and Speaker supporting you to feel & do good - www.lisaclausen.com