Me, a flying Yogini — You?

Lisa Clausen
4 min readSep 28, 2020

This is how I played the other day; testing out Anti-Gravity Yoga för the first time!

Jitters and butterflies dancing in my pit. The Yogini in me was delighted to once more hit home to body consciousness, soul vibe and a focused and present mind also through this new form of Yoga. Yummie.

Some things felt a bit scary, some exercises demanded more arm muscles than I currently have, however mostly it was an interesting, fun and freeing sail through the class. And cocooning at the end swept in silk and a gong vibrating around me was just delish. And Yes, I’d like to do it again.

This practice, and Yoga overall, is such a good metaphor for life itself. We often fear testing new positions and bends; how far can I go? How long can I hold this position? Where is the threshold for what is dangerous and when is it instead a liberator for freedom, empowerment and courage? The mind might know that this is safe, still our body and being is not so sure at all. What it all comes down to is this;

⚡️ To dare to go beyond the comfort zone.
To dare to challenge what’s familiar and normal.

However, remember to also love yourself as much as not to overextend and overdo. 💘

Remind yourself to accept what shape you are in that particular day and moment, in order to not run over your own boundaries in an attempt to “perform”.

Tell me, for whom are you performing? ❓
For whom is the show you’re putting up on display?

It all comes down to: LOVE. ❤️
How can you love yourself enough in the moment to dance on the edge of on the one hand; challenging the comfort zone, and on the other; embracing the part of you that needs to instead take it slow and be comforted, seen and held?

Thus, Yoga is a play of exploring your boundaries and a game of self-love to both honour and free yourself from perceived boundaries and limitations.

Like I told one of my clients recently;
Let your yoga practice be a “Yoga lab”. 🧘🏻‍♀️👁

A lab where you witness yourself from within;
why and how do you do, and don’t do, things on the yoga mat?
Bring these findings and nuggets of self-discovery and yoga wisdom with you and live them in your everyday life.

Yoga is meant to be LIVED in real life,
not only to be constrained to the time spent on the yoga mat.

Yoga IS a spiritual practice and personal development tool.
And yes, it brings flow and exercise to the body. However, the goal of Yoga is to awaken the Kundalini snake dormant at the base of the spine. In other words, to awaken your God potential and to activate your consciousness to rise through your energy system, the nervous system and chakras, in a safe way.

If you’re not a Yogi, don’t despair. Nor do you need to get bored thinking all of this is not for you. See, you can apply these same principles to more and less everything you do: Be the inner witness of yourself. Of your choices and non choices. Of your thoughts, feelings and energy shifts that affect you and precedes your actions.

Ask yourself; what if some of my thresholds and boundaries simply are illusions? What more is possible for me on the other side of those? 🔮

Hey, no matter who you are, let’s be curious, loving and playful enough to engage even more so in the game of life.

So, now let me ask you, what kind of new thingy, practice or adventure would light you up to try out or do more of?
Go do! Expand your comfort zone and spice things up.

Let’s dance on the edge of
consciousness, choice and aliveness together.
Let’s energize and dive in! 💃🏻🕺🏻💓



P. S. Want to explore the edges of your comfort zone and find clarity of what actually could bring you more joy, satisfaction and that refueled Yes feeling in your everyday life? That which allows you to live as an expression of your Soul truth and heart even more full-on? Know that I’m here for coaching support and guidance.

👉 👉 If you are intrigued and longing for a change, the time is truly now. I invite you to book a FREE Rise Clarity & Activation Session with me to explore what’s next, powerful and freeing for you. It would be an honour to personally guide and support you click here to book >



Lisa Clausen

Lisa Clausén is a Transformational Life & Business Coach, Consciousness Mentor, Trainer and Speaker supporting you to feel & do good -